Once you have finished installing the Half-Life Dedicated Source Update Tool, open command prompt and copy and paste this code in:C:cd srcdshldsupdatetoolNow your able to use the update tool commands. I will also teach you how to set permissions as well so you can lock people out too.PLEASE READ.- When clicking on links please right-click and select open in new tab, it makes things a lot easier. Make sure to set a name for your server so that you can recognize it from the internet. Start up Gary's Mod game and look in your server list. Once you've saved the file, you're all set. Next, navigate to the install folder and save the file under the 'orangebox' directory.

Make sure to include.bat as this is what the game will recognize. The benefit to this is that anyone can go on your server, as long as you allow it. This is one way to make a dedicated server for Garry's Mod via port forwarding instead of using a hamachi client. Then to delete your comments, simply click on your username on Reddit, go to the comments tab, scroll down as far as possible (hint: use ), and hit the new OVERWRITE button at the top. It also helps prevent mods from profiling and censoring.If you would like to protect yourself, add the Chrome extension, or the Firefox extension and click Install This Script on page.